Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The New Years Resolution Blog

If I made resolutions this year, it would take me five years to complete them. I have never been a resolution kind of girl and I never will be. If I make a decision to do something most likey I will fail after a few days (see other blog mainly because I don't like being told I CANNOT do something. Yes, even if I am the one telling me not to do it. So here are the things that I already have in the works, and fuck, if I get them done by the end of next year... Fantastic.
1. Better Mom. I am a pretty fatastic mom, I spend alot of time with my kid, teach her well and over all make her a happy kid. However; I have close to zero patience for bad behavior and sometimes react in an un attractive way when Kennedee is pushing my buttons... working on it.
2.The prerequisite-eat better. I am getting old, and the pouch of a belly that used to be cute...not so cute anymore. Must eliminate immediatly. This also requires getting off my ass. Oh and no more soda.
3. Stop being so frickin boring. I really do not have a life. Granted it is Minnesota and I am a freeze baby. I ain't going out. Unfortunatly that is the reason no one calls me anymore. I never go out. Recently my babies dad and I changed our schedule because it is Tax season and he is a CPA. His wife is busy, so they only have time to see K on the weekends. Woo hoo for me! Most of my friends go out Saturdays... for the last 2 years I have had Fridays off. This should add to my friend fund substantially. And the great thing is, not only do I get Saturday night off... i get all of Sunday off. This leads to number
4. Write my book. Though it may not be apparent her on my blog, I do have a bit of writing talent. I am putting most of that into a book. I like to pretend I am doing it for fun, but to be honest, most people that write books want them to be published some day. That will be non resolution 2011.

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