Sunday, December 7, 2008

FUCK...The first snowfall of the year

So here is the thing. I am deathly, crazily, almost to the point of medical hospital commital, afraid of driving in the snow. I am the queen of mild phobias, but this one climbs up the ladder, out the window,around the house and to grandmothers house we go...I hate it. When Kennedee was about 9 months old we once spent four days straight in the house, because I refused to drive in the first snow storm until it was pretty much melted or I realized that people were coming back from their time out in the snow.
Granted, I get up, and start the car and I DO drive to where I need to go...however; I am WHITE KNUCKED the entire time.
I think about the prosepect of driving in the snow around, oh, June. Yes I am telling the truth. It occupies the better part of my brain way more than the average persons. I am terrified.
Point being, tomorrow I have to get up, sweep my car off, warm it up, pile my pretty princess into the car and white knuckled it for the first time in... damn.
I have been doing okay since the first snowfall... but beware... January is heading our way.

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